July 2023

Here at MCS we spend a great deal of time measuring ATP. But what is all the fuss about ATP? ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate. ATP is an energy molecule that is found in all living cells and organic matter. That means it is found in people’s cells, plants, food, bacteria, and any other […]

How Luminometers are Changing Long Term Infection Control A big area of focus since the COVID-19 pandemic is the cleanliness of our healthcare facilities. But one question came up during the pandemic. How do we know if a healthcare facility is clean? As Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage

What generally scares people? Heights, public speaking, spiders, snakes, etc. What do all of these have in common? They are things that we can see. We usually don’t give as much thought to things we can’t see like air, radiation, gravity, sound, electricity etc. But the things we don’t see can often have the same

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