Brandon Saueressig

All great inventors and visionaries from Albert Einstein to Thomas Edison, to Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates have a story of how their discovery came to be. These stories are what made these people who they are. Our journey is no different. It has drastically shaped who we are, how we see things, and how […]

How could there be any benefits of hiring an infection control professional? Dentists and doctors have been managing infection control for a long time. But just because that is how it has been done, does that mean that’s how it must stay? Technology has entered the infection control space and is changing the industry. Dentists

Infection control needs technology. Infection control hasn’t seen any appreciable changes in the last 50+ years. Shocking, I know. The general framework for infection control involves taking a chemical and wiping a surface. That’s it. This is what you hear when you talk to anybody where cleaning is part of their primary responsibility. The chemicals

In the human body, there are over 60,000 miles of blood vessels and arteries. That is a lot of plumbing to keep us alive! The entire field of vascular medicine is comprised of physicians who specialize in different parts of that system to help it all work properly. When you start to have buildup and

We are all familiar with standard handheld sprayers. The simplest example of these is a spray bottle used for spraying things like window cleaners. These are called large droplet sprayers and have been used for years. But it seems like in the last several years all you hear about are things like foggers, misters, and

Here at MCS we spend a great deal of time measuring ATP. But what is all the fuss about ATP? ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate. ATP is an energy molecule that is found in all living cells and organic matter. That means it is found in people’s cells, plants, food, bacteria, and any other

How Luminometers are Changing Long Term Infection Control A big area of focus since the COVID-19 pandemic is the cleanliness of our healthcare facilities. But one question came up during the pandemic. How do we know if a healthcare facility is clean? As Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage

What generally scares people? Heights, public speaking, spiders, snakes, etc. What do all of these have in common? They are things that we can see. We usually don’t give as much thought to things we can’t see like air, radiation, gravity, sound, electricity etc. But the things we don’t see can often have the same

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